Scattered among the indescribable landscape of California’s coast are an abundance of unique beach towns. Some you’ve heard of, like Santa Barbara and Big Sur. But others have stayed off the radar, avoided the throngs – and so when you find them it’s like discovering a jewel. That’s exactly how we felt about Avila Beach.

We stayed at an RV park just out of town and within walking distance of our first big find … Avila Valley Barn farm stand. This “farm stand” goes way beyond expectations. The pictures speak for themselves.

Avila Valley Barn Farm Stand

Avila Valley Barn Farm Stand

Avila Valley Barn Farm Stand

Avila Valley Barn Farm Stand

Avila Valley Barn Farm Stand

Bob Jones Bike Trail One of our challenges when we pull off the road for a few days is finding a safe place to walk Buster. If he doesn’t get enough exercise, he’s antsy – and then no one’s happy. A short walk down the road resulted in our second big find … the Bob Jones Bike Trail. Leashed dogs are welcome on the paved path and waste stations and trash cans are available along the way. Following the the creek though the woods for three miles will bring you right to the corner of the city park – which is also pet friendly. Some dogs even bring their own chairs.

Dog in Park - Avila Beach, CA

Avila Beach City Park

Even better, the city park leads directly to the city beach! Dogs are not allowed on this beach during the busiest time of the day (10am – 4pm), but just a short distance down the shore, in an undeveloped area, dogs played in the waves.

Avila Beach, CA

Avila Beach

Avila Beach, CA

Pier 3 is the end of the road – literally. Cliffs prevents any further travel north. Find a spot in the parking lot and head over to Pete’s for a bite to eat – your pooch is welcome to join you. When you’re finished, mosey over to the fish market on the commercial fishing pier because it doesn’t get any fresher than this … unless you catch it yourself! Here fishy, fishy, fishy.

Ty and Buster go fishing

Ty had a difficult time concentrating on the fishing, though. He was captivated by the barking coming from the water. Luckily, the sea lions found him significantly less interesting than he found them.

Ty looking for sea lions

Sea lion takes a nap

Planning a pet friendly trip of your own? We’ll make it easy:
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Category: Travel Destinations / Tagged with: Beaches, California, Hiking