New research shows that where dogs ride in the car can affect how much they enjoy the trip. Learn where your dog will be happiest before you hit the road!

Dog in a red harness riding in the back seat of a car

Research conducted by Compare the Market shows that where dogs ride in the car can play a huge part in how happy and relaxed they are.

Study Methodology

The study included for different breeds of dogs: a Jack Russell, Poochon, Cocker Spaniel, and Red Fox Labrador. On five different occasions, each of the dogs went for a drive in four locations in the car.

Using heart rate monitoring collars to track changes in the dogs’ heart rates, the study determined which locations had their tails wagging and which are best avoided.

Where Are Dogs Most Comfortable Riding In The Car?

The data showed that the four dogs felt the most comfortable when they sat in the back seat with a view of their owner. In that position their heart rates decreased by 9.5% from their baseline. The next most comfortable spot was the front seat, where their heart rates decreased by 6.8%.

READ MORE ⇒ Why Does My Dog Pant And Drool In The Car

Brindle dog sleeping in the back seat of a car

In contrast, the dogs’ heart rates were higher when they sat in places they couldn’t see their owners. In the back seat the dogs’ heart rates increased by 10.6%. And riding in the boot caused the highest increase — up 20.4% from their baseline.


Be Sure To Buckle Up

No matter where your dog rides in the car, keeping him safe and secure is a top priority. Crash-tested dog harnesses help protect your pup from being injured in an accident and keep him from distracting you and causing an accident!

READ MORE ⇒ The Best Crash-Tested Car Harnesses For Dogs

Brindle dog in a car buckled in with a red Sleepypod crash-tested harness

Dogs In The Front Seat

The dogs in Compare the Market‘s study found the front seat of the car the second most comfortable place to ride. If your dog prefers the front seat, there are additional steps to keep him safe.

First, when we say the “front seat” we are talking about the passenger seat. Driving with a dog on your lap is not safe for you or your dog. Trying to hold your dog and drive at the same time means you’re not giving your full attention to either task. Also, your dog is also more likely to distract you if he’s riding in your lap. And he could be crushed by the steering wheel or airbag in an accident.

Scout in Car |

If your dog prefers to ride “shot gun” or you don’t have a back seat, making sure your pup is buckled up is even more important. Riding in the passenger seat makes it easier for your dog to distract you than if he were in the back seat.

Also, be sure to switch off the passenger side airbag whenever your dog rides in the front seat.

Finally, slide the seat as far back as possible to keep him from impacting the dash if you’re in an accident.


More Resources

Why Does My Dog Pant And Drool In The Car
My Dog HATES The Car – NOW WHAT?!
Best Crash-Tested Dog Harnesses For Traveling By Car
How To Make A Pet First Aid Kit For Your Car
Is it Illegal to Leave Your Pet Alone in the Car?
What To Do If Your Puppy Gets Motion Sickness

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  • Category: Travel News, Travel Tips / Tagged with: Health and Safety