It’s no secret that I’m appalled by people who claim their pets are service animals. Naturally, I understand the desire to take our pets everywhere we go. And yes, compared to other places in the world, the limited access our pets experience is frustrating. But taking any action that makes life more difficult for people who require service animals is reprehensible. And now the impact of fake service dogs could bite us all.
An Epidemic of Fake Service Dogs
We launched in 2009, in response to a growing trend. People were looking at their pets differently – less like livestock and more like family. There was a desire to include pets in our lives, whether it be brunch with friends or a cross-country road trip. Passionate about this movement, we hoped our website would help people discover more things they could do together.
Over the years, the market has responded to meet the needs of pet lovers. There’s been a significant increase in the number of hotels that welcome pets. Restaurants, coffee shops, and bars have outdoor seating areas where pets were allowed. And all kinds of attractions, from beaches to museums, are pet friendly. Even the national parks have started a BARK Ranger program!
READ MORE ⇒ The Most Pet Friendly National Parks in the U.S.
Of course, not everyone has been satisfied with the pace of change. They want to take their pets everywhere, without limitation, all the time. And the morally bereft among them choose to pose their pets as a fake service dogs, with no regard for the fact that their actions cause people to question the legitimacy of actual service animals.
Unfortunately, the problem has become rampant. Airlines have been forced to tighten their requirements for service animals and emotional support animals, and many states have responded by passing additional legislation.
States Respond By Passing Stricter Laws
The Americans with Disabilities Act makes it a federal crime to pass your pet off as a service animal. Unfortunately, it’s rarely enforced. To combat the issue, states have enacted their own laws exceeding the federal law penalties for fake service dogs. Currently, 31 states ban the fraudulent representation of a pet as a service animal. Five additional states have laws that criminalize some aspect of service animal fraud. And still the problem of fake service dogs remains.
Florida’s Proposed Legislation Could Affect All Pet Owners
In 2015, Florida addressed the issue of fake service dogs. In addition to federal charges, misrepresenting a dog as a service animal in Florida is punishable by a $500 fine and up to 60 days in jail. But State Representative Bruce Antone from Orlando doesn’t believe that’s enough.
“I see it as a growing problem,” Antone said. “You just see folks expanding or pushing the boundaries on everything. With the pets, there’s an explosion of folks taking their pets in stores and restaurants.”
Antone knows the issue of pets in restaurants has already been addressed, but he feels something stronger is needed.
“I just feel like if we don’t put some sort of stopgap in place now, it’s only going to get worse,” he said. “Not everybody understands what the law is.”
The solution Antone’s proposing is laid out in House Bill 243. This measure would still allow restaurants to welcome pets at their outdoor seating areas, but would make it illegal to bring nonservice animals inside retail establishments, restaurants, bars, lounges, or “any other similar place of business in which the public assembles.”
The bill includes the following recommended penalties for breaking the proposed law:
(a) A warning for the first offense.
(b) A fine of $100 for the second offense.
(c) Thirty hours of community service for an organization that serves individuals with disabilities, or for another entity or organization at the discretion of the court, to be completed within 6 months for the third and subsequent offenses.
Antone thinks his bill has a 60 percent chance of passing during the 2020 congressional session.
The Potential Impact Of This Bill
I’m very much in agreement with Rep. Antone’s concern about fake service animals. And I agree that people should comply with laws that prohibit pets inside restaurants. However, his proposal does a severe injustice to responsible pet owners. If passed, this legislation would create significant new barriers for pet owners who reside in Florida, and those considering it as a travel destination.
By prohibiting pets inside “retail establishments,” Antone’s bill would no longer allow pet owners to shop in boutiques, pet supply stores, indoor shopping malls, and home goods, home supply, and other stores that currently permit pets.
In addition, taprooms, coffee shops, winery tasting rooms, lounges, and bars would also be placed off limits. Certainly, we can imagine “places of business in which the public assembles” encompassing hotel lobbies and museums. And there will be no hope for the creative expansion of pet friendly destinations, like the dog friendly movie theater that recently opened in Plano, Texas.
Unintended Consequences
Beyond driving away tourists and provoking residents, I worry that Antone’s bill could have more dire consequences. By prohibiting pets in venues that have historically chosen to welcome them, more people could feel driven to misrepresent their pets. And, given the relatively inconsequential penalties proposed, it’s foreseeable that this legislation could actually lead to more fake service dogs.
For those who would comply with the new prohibitions, prohibiting them inside might result in more pets being left in cars. That could be a life-threatening situation in a warm, sunny climate like Florida.
READ MORE ⇒ Is It Illegal To Leave Pets Alone In Cars
What’s the Solution?
The bill proposed in Florida has further-reaching implications. Already 36 states have authorized laws addressing fake service dogs. If this legislation passes, it could become a model for the rest of the country, and the strides we’ve made to include pets in our lives would evaporate.
Obviously, I’m hoping that doesn’t happen. So, how do I think Florida should deal with fake service dogs?
Step 1: Enforce Current Laws
First, Florida should enforce the law they already have on the books. The possibility of being slapped with a $500 fine and sixty days in jail is enough to get the attention of anyone considering misrepresenting their pet.
Step 2: Empower Business Owners
Across the country, we see establishments setting more inclusive pet policies. Rather than imposing more restrictive laws, why not encourage these business owners and empower them to be the first line of defense against fake service dogs?!
Many owners and managers aren’t aware of their rights when it comes to service animals. And recognizing a service dog might not be obvious. Service animals can assist people with a variety of conditions, such as autism, epilepsy, and post-traumatic stress disorder. So, when determining whether a person is being truthful about their service dog, business owners or staff can ask two questions: Is this a service animal? and What service is it trained to provide?
Responses to these questions can be a quick way to eliminate imposters, because legitimate handlers should have no trouble detailing the services their animal provides. It’s possible some brazen liars might also provide reasonable answers. But that still doesn’t mean a business owner can’t remove a dog from the premises.
According to the law, service dogs must be under control at all times. If a service dog behaves a manner that poses a threat to the health or safety of others, such as urinating or defecating indoors, or menacing or biting at other patrons, and is not under the control of the disabled patron, they may be refused service.
Anytime a business owner has an issue with a service dog, or suspects that a person is misrepresenting their pet as a service dog, the authorities should be called. Then … see Step 1. It’s actually very simple.
What Can You Do?
Rep. Antone says that his bill isn’t anti-dog. I think the public will feel differently. If you live in Florida, or know people who do, please send them a link to this article and encourage them to contact their state representatives.
You can also educate yourself on the differences between service animals, emotional support animals, and therapy animals. Spoiler alert: The only one of these allowed inside restaurants are service animals.
And, if you’ve been passing your pet off as a service animal, stop it. You’re ruining things for everyone.
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This service animal laws to deal ada sucks. This people are checking in our small motels as representing their dogs as service dogs. Can not deny them as they show fake documents no where to prove if they are correct. If don’t give them rooms then threat to sue business and for complain against ADA. They have damaged our rooms several times and cost us so much but no place to go and file claims against them
I’m really sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this, Paul. I wish people would stop lying about their pets being service animals. It makes life harder for people who need service animals and for business owners trying to do the right thing. I wish there was something more I could do to help.
These service dog ads, require nothing, even Vet certification is provided in 48 hours with out ever seeing the dog. That ‘you, yourself, can declare your pet to be an emotional support pet because you get ‘stressed’ leaving him home! They don’t even train for the basic ‘CGC’ certification. I’ve repeatedly seen dog owners carrying their lapdog around lapping up the ‘attention feed’ they receive from the public while letting people pet, talk to & even hold their susposed ‘service dog’.. That is not Service Dog behavior, playing & socializing while on duty! Also, bringing their pet to restaurants, allowing them to sit in booth seat with a nasty, crusty butthole (no manners or health concern next seat occupants) or in their lap with chin on the table, eating morsels & letting pet lick their fingers clean!! Anyone can see the ignorance of the owner! It is appalling.
I believe, instead of laws bending over backwards to allow almost anything, the responsibility should go right back to the owners. Start with obedience & CGC certifications. Find a service dog trainer … see if you & your pet can handle this responsibility! Emotional Support dog is not a pet that nips when stressed or approached. Not every dog has the proper temperament. I believe every ‘service dog’ should be tested & issued certification by State representitive tester. Training could be provided any number of ways but, state certification must be issued with photo pet ID & current vax Vet clearance in vest.
It is not fair for businesses to bear the burden of these wannabes without any authority to protect their facilities, merchandise and other patrons. Many dog owners protest this, but dog owners must be certified for medical need & willing to support this privileged & necessary status of ‘Service Dog’
I am an owner of a service dog. I have waited almost two years for her. She was and is trained specifically for me and my medical disability. Service dogs are extremely expensive because of the time and training it takes.
It is not only frustrating but sometimes embarrassing when you are asked for documentation In order to enter a restaurant with your legitimate “service dog”.
A “service dog “ is vital to their owner. Those who misrepresent their pet as a service dog should automatically have a 24 hour stint in the local jail. Fines should be imposed high enough to have the impact to stop this fraudulent practice.
Thanks for your note, Kelly. I completely agree with you. And I’m doing my best to raise awareness about this issue, and make it as easy as I can for people to find places where their pets are welcome. I wish you and your new partner all the best.
I think this new bill would impose more fraud service dogs, and having one of my own, (not a fraud) I can only hope it’s not passed. I live in an area where it’s very common, and I’m constantly isolated because I can’t go in public without getting turned off by the stores. I need my service dog for epilepsy detection. Even if I could take him, even though my dog’s vest says not to separate us, people apparently can’t resist cooing over my dog and taking him with them “so he doesn’t have to see me like that”. My dog is trained to press a button around my neck should things get out of his control, but people never seem to notice how he helps me in a seizure. DON’T PASS THE BILL
Thank you for sharing your experience, Bailey. Florida actually did pass this bill, but it was modified to prohibit pets (not service animals) from being inside only public food service establishments, food outlets, restaurants, bars, lounges, and other similar place of business in which the public assembles. It looks like the law was enacted in July, 2020. Hopefully, you haven’t been impacted. All my best to you!
seems to me that the businesses would suffer financially if the new bill is passed where as enforcing the existing laws wouldn’t hurt them so much and may even help a lot. I readily support any business that is pro-pets and questions unruly people or pets of their legal status to visit the premises. I have a small dog that goes everywhere with me that he is allowed and friends have asked why I don’t get a vest for him so I can take him the other places, I tell them that I can’t pass him off as something he is not because it’s not fair to the hard working ones that have earned it (or their people). Please be responsible pet owners for the sake of the folks that truly need the special services!
Well said, Sandi! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thanks for an outstanding heads up. We often visit Florida and I’ve shared this (adding my support for your comments) with relatives who live in Jacksonville.
Thank you, Rich! It feels that this would be a huge step backward for all of us working to make it easier for people to take their pets more places. I really appreciate your support!
One of the biggest challenges isn’t people passing off well trained animals as service animals its the ones who have untrained,badly behaved animals who clearly don’t belong in public areas interacting with other humans.
The expense involved with requiring registration and documentation will likely cause those who legitimately require and follow the rules harm. Those who don’t follow the rules are still going to be pushing the boundaries as they already are so additional legislation only punishes those who do follow the rules as you mentioned with dog friendly stores being prohibited from allowing pets in their stores because of those who fake it in non-pet friendly areas.
We have traveled with our dogs and only taken them to venues specifically advertised as pet friendly. We’ve not taken them when we couldn’t drive because they aren’t service animals and shouldn’t be flying with us in the cabin. It would have to be my only hope of evacuating them to even consider having them fly in the h old of a plane but I wouldn’t lie about them being service animals either.
There will always be people who try to cheat the system. However, I don’t believe confronting people with disabilities is a way to force the cheaters into compliance. I wouldn’t want to share all the details of my disability with someone not in authority because you think I may or may not be entitled to a service animal if the animal is well trained and behaving. If the animal is not and causing problems perhaps that is an area we should be more focused on demanding compliance. Animals who can’t behave regardless of their service status will not be allowed in public areas pet friendly or not.