Take Paws is a showcase for people having fun with their pets, and sharing YOUR pet travel experiences may be the nudge someone else needs to pack up and head out with their own best friend! Today we’re excited to have Stacey Lysejko and her dog, Finlay, here to share their trip across Quebec, Canada!


Finlay Visits Quebec, CAExploring new places and experiencing new things with Finlay is the best part of having a dog! We love trying new things, and most of the time it turns out great. Even when things don’t go well, we have each other for company, and that’s comfort in itself.

So, anytime I get the chance, we jump in the car and go for an adventure. Our most recent road trip was to Quebec, and Finlay got the entire backseat to snuggle up on his bed!

First Stop: Levis, Quebec

Packed with history and culture, Levis is situated across the St. Lawrence River from Quebec City. And no visit would be complete without seeing the Le Vieux-Levis (Old Levis) neighborhood, where historic homes like Maison Alphonse-Desjardins and Maison Natale de Louis Frechette are located.

Fort Levis National Historic Site of Canada is another must-see; it was constructed in the 19th century to protect Canada from potential American invasions.

Ferry in Levis, QC, Canada

After a nice walk around, Finlay and I made our way to the Motel Etchemin, which was clean, had a pool, and a very friendly staff. While this motel did not have a specific fenced area for pets, they did have a grassy area that was large enough for a good off-leash game of fetch.

The prices were excellent as well. We prefer these motel-style accommodations with drive-up access for their affordability, and being able to avoid lobbies, stairwells, and elevators makes traveling with Finlay a lot easier.

Hooman Travel Tip: In smaller Quebec towns it helps to parlais Francais (speak French), but fear not – an English-French Dictionary should get you by for the basics. Booking your hotels online if your French is rusty may be easier, but be sure to specify that you’ll need a pet friendly room!

Finlay’s Travel Tip: You won’t find formal highway rest areas in Canada like you find on American interstates, so let your pup out to stretch his legs whenever you stop to fuel up or use a restroom.

Levis to Quebec City via Ferry

This is a convenient ferry for vehicles, cyclists, and foot passengers. It’s very easy to access, the staff are helpful, friendly, and speak English, and it’s 100% pet friendly! The crossing takes about 12 minutes and costs less than $5 CAD each way. Also, you don’t have to worry about making reservations, because the ferry runs every 30 minutes.

Finlay on the Ferry - Quebec, CA

Finlay’s Travel Note: I learned on this trip that I hate ferries. I hate the vibrations, and the noises, and especially, especially, especially the metal ramps. To show my displeasure I cry/howl/whine and that attracts a lot of attention. Please mom… let’s not do this again.

Hooman Travel Note: Luckily this was a short trip, because sometimes you learn things the hard way! Some passengers were clearly annoyed, but most were very understanding, and even approached us to meet “le beaux Labrador” (the beautiful Labrador). We learned later that Finlay prefers to stay in the car and sleep during ferry rides. (SHEESH!)

Second Stop: Old Quebec City –Le Petit Quartier Champlain

This part of the city is perfect to access via ferry because it is right at the terminal! Gorgeous shops, cobblestone paths, amazing restaurants and pet-friendly patios. The business owners we met here were very nice, and Finlay even tasted his very first cheese curd from my order of poutine (so Canadian!).

Old Quebec City, Quebec, CA

The area is quite hilly, and on a hot day be mindful of your pet’s paws on the pavement. To cool your paws head to Parc des Champs-de-Bataille (Battlefields Park), sometimes referred to as the Plains of Abraham. Just west of Old Quebec, this 267-acre strip of land is where the Battle of Québec (the pivotal moment of the French and Indian War when the French were forced to cede Canada to Great Britain) took place. Today, it’s a the perfect place to enjoy some fresh air, and don’t miss the stunning Joan of Arc Garden!

Eating out is another favorite pastime, and Quebec has a “patio season” that begins on July 1st, when most restaurants allow your dog to join you on the patio. In our case, the Maître D’ actually put Finlay to work, standing beside him and helping greet guests as they came into the restaurant!

A Very Important Note

Montreal recently enacted a discriminatory breed specific law banning pit bull-type dogs from the city, similar to Ontario’s ban, and Quebec City is considering the same. If you have a pit bull, or a dog that may be mistaken for a pit bull, please familiarize yourself with any breed specific laws that are in effect. If these laws are passed, I do not recommend traveling into these cities. Please do your research, as there are no exceptions for travelers passing through.

About the Author: Stacey Lysejko is a dog lover who shares her life with her Chocolate Lab, Finlay. Stacey and Finlay live in the spectacular city of Victoria, British Columbia. The copyright on all photos in this post belong to Stacey.

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Category: Travel Destinations / Tagged with: Canada