Setting out on this adventure, we said we were on safari for a new place to live. Twelve years later, we’ve finally found it.'s Winnebago View

We’re all following our own compass, navigating a roadmap only we can see … our own path.

Who could have imagined that finding a stray German Shepherd in 2008 would change our lives so completely? Buster was the spark that caused us to launch this website, sell our home, and travel in an RV for the past twelve years. What a journey it’s been!

READ MORE ⇒ A Letter Of Gratitude To My Dog

Buster's Ninth Birthday

Leaving “Normal” Behind

When we jumped in our first motorhome in 2010, we had no idea how long we’d travel. We were two accountants, struggling to overcome our fears and doubts. Trying to imagine a long-term plan felt too overwhelming. So, we clung to the few things we knew with certainty:

  1. We were ready to move away from Pennsylvania.
  2. We didn’t know where we wanted to live next.
  3. Traveling could help us choose our next home.

Setting out, we agreed to travel for one year. No matter how hard it got or how much we were drawn to a place, we committed to keep exploring the country for twelve full months.

Who needs a plan?! Dogs live in the moment.

Discovering A New Normal

That first year was hard. Traveling full-time sounds great. The FREEDOM, right?

But try throwing out every routine you have. Every time we visited a new place we had to figure out where to stay, where to buy groceries, where to get on the internet, where to do laundry, and how to balance our time between the things we were dying to explore and the work we needed to do.

It would be a challenging adjustment for one person. Getting two people aligned on the myriad of decisions that had to be made every day nearly did us in. But we’d committed to twelve months. And we are two of the most stubborn determined people you’ll ever meet.

So, our communication skills improved. Over time, new routines formed. Things got easier. And then one year turned into two.

By the end of our third year, we were really getting the hang of RV life. Following the weather. Making new friends along the way. Experiencing all the places we’d wanted to see with our boys.

It was addictive. At some point we forgot why we’d ever wanted to have a house! There were cities we enjoyed, and could have even considered living. But trading RVing for that life? Certainly not! What could possibly be better than being nomads?!

So, we sold the small motorhome and bought a Class A, diesel pusher.

New 2013 Itasca Meridian 36M
The new coach, the old RV and the RAV4

Living The Life

The next six years were pure magic. The larger motorhome made traveling easier in so many ways. Most importantly, we weren’t tripping over each other. And a bigger refrigerator meant less trips to the grocery store. With a washer and dryer we didn’t need to get quarters and spend time at the laundromat. We installed equipment to boost our internet signal. And having a car we could tow made day trips so much better.

Everything was going great, and we were ready for a new challenge. We’d had an idea to visit the #1 pet friendly attraction in each of the lower 48 states, and the time seemed right.

The Ultimate Pet Friendly Road Trip started in Carmel, California in February, 2017. We took Ty and Buster to the very best pet friendly places in America, and wrapped up the trip in Portland, Oregon in November. It was an epic adventure like no other. And in 2018, I wrote a book to commemorate our trip.

READ MORE ⇒ The Ultimate Pet Friendly Road Trip

Book Cover - The Ultimate Pet Friendly Road Trip by Amy Burkert

Slowing Down

Slowing down wasn’t part of our plan. But over the years, our youngish dogs had become seniors. Ty lost his hearing and then his vision and spent the last two years of his life adventuring from his stroller.

New Hampshire's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: Mount Washington |

Buster developed spinal stenosis, which caused him to lose strength in his back legs. For the last year of his life, he needed a wheelchair for longer walks.

Man with two dogs walking a pet friendly trail at Cumberland Gap National Historic Park

Accommodating the boys’ needs meant we were traveling shorter distances and staying places longer. We discovered that slowing down allowed us to get to know places better. Even after Ty and Buster died and Myles joined our family, we continued to move less frequently.

Brindle puppy in a red harness in front of a flower garden

Finding Home

One of our long stays last year was in Tucson. Using the city as our basecamp, we spent two months exploring southern Arizona and had an absolute blast. In fact, we loved it so much, we made plans to spend this winter in Bisbee.

READ MORE ⇒ Exploring Pet Friendly Bisbee, Arizona

View of "B Hill" from a staircase in Bisbee, AZ

We arrived in Bisbee on November 15th, with the intention of getting to know the town and the area better. Within a month, we could feel this place was special.

After two months, we were already dreading March 15th – the end of our reservation at the RV park when we’d have to leave. Twelve years on the road and it was the first time we’d had that feeling. So, we started looking for a way to stay in Bisbee.

Rental homes are hard to come by in this little town. But we got lucky and found a place that will be available in early May. And the RV park can accommodate us until then. So, in two months we’re going back to living in a house!

Photo of a home in Bisbee, AZ

After getting our lease squared away, we started eyeing up the real estate listings. A lot came up for sale and we walked out to look at it. It’s within walking distance of all the shops and restaurants, but a tad off the beaten path in a quiet canyon. It feels like a great place to build a house, and we closed on it last week.

New Beginnings

Preparing to move back into a house feels just as strange and exciting as moving into the motorhome did twelve years ago. Rod and I are both thrilled to be starting a new chapter of our lives. It’s time to start learning another “new normal.”

Of course, Myles has gotten quite used to traveling. And I’ll still be running GoPetFriendly. For now our exploring will involve staying in hotels and vacation rentals. Eventually, we’re planning to get a small travel trailer that we can tow behind the Jeep.

How we travel is going to be changing, and that means we’re selling the motorhome. We’ve so enjoyed our time traveling in here. And we want someone else to have as much fun in it as we have — hopefully with their pets!

We hope you’ll join us as we continue following our compass on the next leg of our journey.

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  • Congrats on finding your new home! So happy for you and hopefully I will be able to see you on my journeys in AZ!

    • Yes! Circle Bisbee on your map, Dawn – we’d love to see you when you’re in the area.

  • This is so exciting, guys! I love Bisbee and it’s great knowing you’ll be in the neighborhood more or less permanently! Madeleine and I hope you will eventually have a guest room for us. It was also wonderful — and bittersweet — reading about your life journey. Frankie and I were there with you…

    • Thanks, Edie! Yes, ending this chapter of our lives is definitely bittersweet. So many wonderful friends and memories have been made in the past 12 years. And we’re excited to see where life will take us next. Being down the road from you and Madeleine is a bonus!

  • Congratulations! As a long time reader of your website, I cannot express how helpful you have been in our journeys with our dog. Very happy to hear that you will continue to travel and provide valuable information. Thank you!

    • Thanks so much, Christine! It makes me so happy to know that we’ve helped other people make great memories with their pups. We’re looking forward to continuing the adventure in a little different way.

  • We are so excited for you!! Michael’s hometown is Tucson and we have friends in Bisbee. Don’t be surprised to see us again sometime soon. Best of luck on your new chapter!!

    • That would be wonderful, Bonnie! We’ll be a much easier target to cross paths with now that we won’t be constantly on the move. ;-)

  • So happy for the 3 of you! I wonder how weird Myles will find a house??? Congrats and BIG hugs from the 3 of us (me, Joe & Zimmi)

    • Thank you so much, Victoria! And yes … how funny that Ty and Buster got an RV and Myles gets a house. The Universe has a great sense of humor!

  • WOW!!!! So exciting!!!!! I have been following your blogs for years…..excited to follow your new adventures!!!!

    • Thanks so much, Christine! We’re excited to see where life takes us next and glad to have such good friends cheering us on.

  • Amy, I am so very happy for you and Rod and Myles. I have followed your blog for several years and wish you all the best. By the way, we live in Queen Creek, AZ.

    • Thank you guys! Yes, it has been a wonderful adventure and we’re really looking forward to seeing where this next chapter takes us.

  • Wow!! Congratulations! So excited to see what this next chapter has in store for you all. I can’t wait to read about it. You opened our eyes to how we could travel with our dog Cinnamon a rescue golden retriever who could be dog aggressive but thanks to your blogs and tips we made it work! Sadly we lost her 18 months ago (cancer at 111/2) We’ll come across our next dog eventually and immediately incorporate her/him in our travels

    Thank you!

    • Hi Bonnie! I’m so sorry to hear that Cinnamon has passed. And I’m grateful to know that we helped you make some wonderful memories during your time together. Thank you for your support, and I hope you’ll share some photos when you meet your next dog and start adventuring together!

  • Congratulations to you all!
    I’m very excited for you and it will definitely take you on a different “Spin” of exciting new adventures. The best part is that you will continue to educate and involved all your your followers on this new stage of Pet Friendly!

    Our favorite motto is “ Life takes you to unexpected places. Love brings you home” where ever that May be!

    – unknown

    Hugs to you☘️

    Cynthia, Mario & Frankie‍

    • Thank you so much, Cynthia, Mario, and Frankie! I love that quote! It feels very appropriate for this stage of our lives.

    • Thank you, Carrie! It’s a big change, but we’re ready to do something different. We’re excited to see where life takes us next.

  • Wow! Congratulations! I hope Bisbee turns out to be the most perfect place for you! Looks like your rental has a nice view of Castle Rock, yes? So many more hiking trails to explore. Will stay in touch❤️

    • Thank you! And yes, the rental has a great view of Castle Rock, Berta. I think of you often as we’re walking by there. Yes, please stay in touch and we’ll meet for coffee when you’re here or I’m there!

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