You're Invited to Join the 7th Annual Pet Blogger Challenge | GoPetFriendly.comWe’re quickly approaching the end of 2016, and that means that it’s nearly time for pet bloggers to take a moment to connect, motivate, encourage, and celebrate our accomplishments over the past year. Of couse, we’re talking about the 7th Annual Pet Blogger Challenge!

Mark your calendars for January 7th, 8th, & 9th, when all pet bloggers are invited to join this inspiring community event.

Last year’s blog hop was delightful – seventy-four bloggers came together to share ideas, build relationships, and support each other’s goals. No doubt this year’s event will be every bit as engaging and entertaining! As we approach a fresh year, I hope you’ll join us in celebrating the successes of 2016, sharing what we’ve learned, and laying out our visions for 2017!

You're Invited to Join the 7th Annual Pet Blogger Challenge |

Pet Blogger Challenge 2017

Participating in the Pet Blogger Challenge is easy … just publish a post on your blog with answers to the questions provided below on January 7th, 8th, or 9th. The post with my answers and a Linky List will be published here on Take Paws on the morning of January 7th. After publishing your post, come over and add your link to the Linky List, so we can find each other’s answers easily.

Here are the questions for the 2017 Pet Blogger Challenge:

  1. When did you start your blog and, for anyone who is just seeing it for first time, please provide a description of your site. Would you say your blog focuses more on sharing stories with your readers, or providing a resource for your audience?
  2. What was your proudest blogging moment of 2016?
  3. Which of your blog posts was your favorite this year and why? (Please include a link.)
  4. Year after year, one goal that we all seem to share is that we want to reach more people. What one tool did you use or action did you take this year that had the most impact on increasing traffic to your blog?
  5. Which of your blog posts got the most traffic this year? (Please include a link.) Have you noticed any themes across your most popular posts?
  6. What blog do you find most inspirational and how has it influenced your blog? (Please include a link.)
  7. What is one thing your readers don’t know about you or your pets that would surprise them?
  8. What is something you’ve learned this year that could help other bloggers?
  9. What would you like to accomplish on your blog in 2017?
  10. Now it’s your turn! You have the attention of the pet blogging community – is there a question you’d like answered, or an aspect of your blog that you’d like input on?

We’re just less than three weeks away from this year’s Pet Blogger Challenge! If you have any questions or need a little help, please don’t be afraid to reach out – building friendships is what this event is all about.

Your help in spreading the word to all your pet blogging pals is also much appreciated. The more people who participate, the more we’ll all learn – so please tell your friends, share a link to this post on social media, and take a screen shot, or use this code to share the Pet Blogger Challenge badge on your blog.

Pet Blogger Challenge Badge Code:

<a href="" 
<img src=""
alt="Join the Pet Blogger Challenge Jan 7th, 8th and 9th" border="0" />


See you in a few weeks!

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  • Ok, my post is up – and now I need the “Linky List” I thnk? Not very computer savvy..not sure about tackling that badge! (but this was great fun)

  • Shoot – I’ve never used blogger and I don’t know how to make the code for the badge work on that platform, Kathleen. Any of our other blogging friends have ideas on how to make this work? I appreciate you for sharing the photo, though, and if I get any feedback I’ll be sure to let you know.

  • On Blogger, the program keeps adding <a after the code. I’ve taken it out, saved, and it reappears. Is there a separate coding badge for Blogger, by any chance? I know another blogger had trouble with the code as well. Wanting to post it on my site on the sidebar, but it just comes out as a tiny little picture that says “join”. :(

  • I always enjoy this challenge. I love taking a look back and trading notes with other bloggers on how best to move forward. Every year I learn so much from everyone’s answers. Thanks for hosting this again!!

  • Totally agree, Mary! How fast the years tick by, huh? I love this every year because of the way people help each other and the commoradre that shows in our community. I’m looking forward to another great one!

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