It’s common knowledge among pet travelers that many of America’s national parks have strict policies regarding pets. And the policy at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico is one of the most prohibitive we’ve seen.

Sign for Kennels at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico

Pets At Carlsbad Caverns

Weather is always a concern when you’re traveling with pets. Most experienced pet travelers plan their activities to accommodate their pet’s needs and keep them safe. But not everyone knows to do that. And precautions definitely need to be taken when visiting Carlsbad Caverns with pets.

Ty and Buster - Carlsbad Caverns, NM

If you haven’t experienced the powerful New Mexican sun, it can be quite stunning – heating up the interior of a vehicle to dangerous levels even when it’s chilly outside. For the safety of all pets, Carlsbad Caverns has a policy that prohibits visitors from leaving their pets in their vehicles.

Not only can you not leave your pet in your car, you also can’t take them with you. The park prohibits pets in the cavern, on park trails, off road, at bat flight, or in the visitor center.


Options For Those With Pets

This is one of those times when a local pet sitter or doggy daycare could be a great option. Your pup can have a fun day socializing while you see the cave and explore some of the park trails.

If you’re planning a relatively quick visit, and your pets are comfortable with it, Carlsbad Caverns also offers kennels.

Kennels Are Available

The park provide kennels for $10 per day in an air-conditioned room. When you arrive the staff checks your pet’s rabies vaccination certificate, then your pet is placed in a size-appropriate cage and water is provided. You’re welcome to bring their bedding, toy, and food.

The kennels are not attended and employees do not handle the pets, so any required potty breaks are your responsibility.

READ MORE ⇒ The Ultimate Pet Friendly American Road Trip

Carlsbad Caverns, NM
Carlsbad Caverns, NM
Sad small white and bigger white and brown dog sitting in cages stacked on each other

Do What’s Best For Your Pet

For a lot of pets and their people, this might be a perfectly acceptable arrangement. But leaving our dogs in this type of kennel with other pets and strangers coming and going would never have worked. And our boys had no experience with boarding or daycare.

Traveling with dogs means accommodating their limitations … and for us that meant taking turns seeing the cave or skipping Carlsbad Caverns altogether. We decided to make the most of it.

Since pets can’t go on any of the park’s more than 50 miles of primitive backcountry trails, we alternated touring the 9.5-mile Walnut Canyon Desert Drive in the car with the dogs. This gravel road passes through lovely desert scenery. It’s just too bad you can’t get out and explore any of it with your pets!

Carlsbad Cavern National Park, New Mexico, USA overlooking Rattlesnake Canyon just after sunset

Inside the Cave

Depending on the amount of time you want to spend, there are a number of self-guided and ranger-guided tours of the cave. And during the summer you can also plan to see the nightly departure of the Mexican free-tailed bat colony as they leave the cave. (Again, no pets allowed.)

Truly, it would be easy to spend a whole day exploring. But we were trying to limit the amount of time the other person had to wait with the dogs, so we chose the self-guided tour through the natural entrance.

Carlsbad Caverns, NM

The paved path twists down just over a mile, dropping more than 750 feet through a huge hole in the Earth. Taking the elevator down would have meant missing out on some of the most interesting parts of the cave!

Between the audio tour we picked up in the bookstore and the plaques along the way, we were thoroughly educated on how the cave was formed, it’s history, and inhabitants.

Carlsbad Caverns, NM
Carlsbad Caverns, NM

To Go … Or Not To Go

Deciding whether to visit places like Carlsbad Caverns with pets is ruff. As a world-famous natural wonder, I feel it would be a shame not to experience it while we can.

On the other hand, their policies certainly make it a challenge for pet travelers. It’s completely understandable that pets aren’t allowed in the cave. But the trails at the Grand Canyon and Petrified Forest National Parks welcome pets. Why not allow them here?

READ MORE ⇒ National Parks Where Your Pup Can Become a Bark Ranger

Ultimately, we left with mixed feelings – glad to have seen it at all, but wishing for a more pet friendly experience. What are your thoughts?

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  • My dog is a emotional support animal so would I be able to take my dog in the caves if I carry him in a dog back pack and if I clean after him he is a small dog

    • Hi G! I’m not sure what the rules are for ESAs at Carlsbad Caverns. I’d suggest calling and speaking to someone at the park to determine whether your dog will be allowed in a backpack. Good luck!

    • I had called and any ESA is not recognized as pets allowed in the caverns. only animals that are trained to hike with their owners. All others are not allowed, and they have kennels for them at $10 a day.

  • In the winter can you leave your dog in the car? My dog has a thick coat, so he’s fine being left in the car for a few hours in the winter in the Southwest. It’s why I like to do road trips with him in the winter– I can actually leave him in the car while I visit places where dogs aren’t allowed. I’m going to visit the caverns tomorrow and I’m going to ask why I can’t leave him in the car when the car will never get hot. I have a feeling they are going to say no because they want my kennel money.

    • Hi Larry! The Carlsbad Caverns website makes no mention that pets must not be left unattended only in the summer or when temperatures are above a certain level. So I imagine you’re correct in that they’ll expect you to kennel your dog — even in the winter. I hope it doesn’t make for an unpleasant experience for either of you. Safe travels!

  • Why can’t the dog stay in the camper with fans on and all windows open for the after sunset bat watch? It’s nice and cool out after sunset

    • Hi Jan! That’s a great question. The park has strict rules in place to protect pets. But for the after sunset bat watch, it doesn’t seem like there would be any harm in leaving your pup in the camper with the windows open and fans on. Perhaps you could call the park and ask if that would be acceptable. I wouldn’t want you to get a fine for leaving him!

  • Why not try a doggy daycare or kennel in Carlsbad so you can enjoy the cave. Totally understandable why our pooches are not welcome in the cave, but why not petition the Parks to review their policy of no dogs on the trails throughout the park. That does seem a little overly staunch. And better yet, the park should provide someone there to check the dogs in and out of the kennel provided at the park. No way I’d simply just leave my dog there by herself.

    • Agreed, Pegi – a daycare or pet sitter is a great option for pets when their families visit Carlsbad. Safe travels to you

  • Great post. Thank you. Were so bummed that we have to miss this natural wonder because we can’t bring our fur babe… My pup is more behaved than most kids! :D

    • I completely understand, Zoe. The only thing I can suggest is to try a pet sitter or doggy daycare in the area so you can see the caverns. I know it’s not ideal, but it might be a way that allows you to at least spend a few hours there. Safe travels and waggin’ trails to you!

  • Category: Travel Destinations / Tagged with: National Parks, New Mexico