After Dog Mountain, it was a short drive east to New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Most of the trails at Franconia Notch State Park are dog friendly and we took the opportunity to get a little exercise and admire the scenery.
We chose to climb Bald Mountain and the last part of the trail to the summit was over boulders and a bit steep, but the dogs went up like a couple of mountain goats! You’d have thought they were out rock climbing on a regular basis. And the views were definitely worth the effort.
When the boys were good and tired, we popped them back into the Winnebago and started out across Maine. Two hundred, sixty three miles later we arrived in Lubec – a major milestone for us. We’ve now seen all four corners of the contiguous 48 states!
Here are the boys at our first “corner” in Key West on February 4, 2011.
We made it San Diego – which admittedly isn’t quite a corner, but close enough for our purposes – on June 7, 2011.
Reaching Cape Flattery, WA on August 27, 2011, made us realize that we were on more than a road trip … traveling had become our way of life.
And now, eleven months and two days after we left Cape Flattery, we’ve finally make it to the easternmost point in the United States – the West Quoddy Head Light!
Quoddy Head State Park, home of the popular lighthouse, has 4.5 miles of pet friendly trails, picnic areas, and whale watching opportunities. Downtown Lubec is also an interesting place to take a stroll, with it’s fishing heritage and picturesque setting.
We’ve traveled nearly 45,000 wandering miles, seen 46 states, and it still feels like we’re just getting started. We may have seen all four corners, but talks about the future focus on where we’ll go next year and the year after that – settling down isn’t even on the radar. There’s still so much to see – and we’re so glad to have you along for the ride!
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