What’s the point of running a pet travel website if you don’t have a pet? That’s the question that’s plagued us since Ty and Buster passed away. But still, we just weren’t ready to take the leap.

Brindle puppy with a red harness

Letting Go To Move On

Life moves in cycles and, by any measure, we’ve been in a period of loss. After 10 years of traveling full-time with our dogs, living our best lives together, and writing a book about our adventures, things took a turn.

German Shepherd Dog and Shar-pei on the patio at a pet friendly winery in the Finger Lakes, NY

First Ty passed in September. Then my grandma and Buster left us in January. In March a dear friend died of cancer. And finally, four weeks ago, this world-wide crisis took our very way of life.

Plans were cancelled and future trips were put on hold. The efforts I’d made to pick myself up were crushed. I was stuck. Continuing to sit in the grief was what was left.

But grief and I have been companions for a while now, and I’ve learned a bit. First it shakes you to your core – strips the joy and meaning from everything, including basics like eating. This is when most people bail out, desperately reaching for a way back their old life – or as close as they can get.

I don’t blame them.

However, if you stick with it, grief also bears gifts. In the grip of grief, we can see how little attention we’ve given the things that really matter to us. Times slows down, allowing us to reflect on the joys and heartaches of the past and be filled with appreciation for the blessings we still have. It’s an awakening, providing the pause we need to envision a new version of ourselves and different way of approaching life.

That’s where I was — just beginning to feel a shift in the weight I’d been under. After months of feeling all that was lost, I’d started contemplating the blank slate before me, ready to use these lessons and create a brighter future.

Montana's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: Beartooth Highway | GoPetFriendly.com

Unbelievable Timing

Just as I reached this conclusion the craziest thing happened! I looked up to see one of our neighbors walking his dogs.

He was right in front of our RV, dancing around like he was trying to keep another dog away from his two pups. I went out to see if I could help and found a stray puppy trying to play with his dogs. Scooping the little guy up, he quieted right down and laid his chin on my shoulder.

Since he wasn’t wearing a collar or tags, we took him to the vet to see if he had a microchip. He doesn’t. And he didn’t fit the description of any lost dog reports.

He had a pretty bad case of fleas, was a little skinny, and had worms, but otherwise he appeared healthy. So, we invited him to live with us. Of course, every dog needs a job! We’ve agreed that he’ll be our new Paw-blick Relations Specialist.

Puppy in a red harness standing on gravel path in San Antonio, TX

Dog Job Skills

So far, the little guy is getting high scores in all the areas you’d expect. He’s very good at entertaining his co-workers, excels at snacking in his cube, and leads the pack at sleeping on the job.

Puppy paying with blue sasquatch toy

Puppy laying in a black crate licking a blue KONG toy

Puppy sleeping on Winnebago sofa

Puppy sleeping on Winnebago sofa

He has some big dog shoes to fill, but we’re confident he’ll be great and bring his own flare to his job and the business. Here’s to new beginnings!

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    • Thanks, Nathan! He’s fit right in like a missing puzzle piece and we’re having an absolutely blast with him. It will be fun to get back on the road and start showing him what living in an RV is all about!

  • So wonderful to hear of the addition of Myles to your family! I think he will remind you of Ty and Buster every day and keep them in your heart. He is adorable–looks kind of whippety!

    • Thank you, Heather! He definitely reminds us of Ty and Buster in funny little ways. We’re grateful he found us. =)

  • So happy your little guy adopted you all!! Happiness comes when you least expect it :)

    • That’s for sure, Pamela! Thanks so much — we’re having a blast with him. =)

  • The new addition to your family is adorable. I have a rescue dog and they are the best.

    • Thanks so much, Barbara. Buster also came to us as a stray and was the inspiration for GoPetFriendly. It will be fun to see how Myles changes our life.

    • Thanks, Lori! He’s quite the character – he should have us trained in no time. ;-)

  • Love it! Glad I met Miles and got to reconnect with you, some years after meeting you at Dr. Roses. What are the odds of you being my neighbor at the RV Park in SA?

    • It’s an amazing reminder of what a small world this is, Rita! It was so nice to bump into you again. Safe travels and be well.

  • Congratulations on your ‘new hire’. He looks like he will be an absolute success in his new role.

    • He’s definitely a character, and seems perfectly comfortable making himself right at home, Debbie. =)

    • He ‘s settling right in, Suzy. It’s wonderful to have such a spunky little character making us laugh.

  • Looks like he is proceeding on the right paw! . Here’s to a long and loving traveling relationship! I have adopted a new Westie not to fill a sad gap but to fill a house/life that just needed puppy apps, licks and love! Looking forward to your new travels! Can’t wait to hear his name!

    • Congratulations, Lois! Here’s to both of us having many happy, healthy years with our new dogs.

    • Thank you, Paroma. I imagine Ty and Buster are laughing hysterically watching us old farts trying to keep up with a puppy! =D

  • This makes me cry tears of joy for you. We lost 2 of our boys 6 months apart more than 5 years ago. When we found our new boy Cooper he was the healing we needed. I cannot wait to see adventures you take with your new boy. He will bless you just like Cooper has blessed us with so much happiness again.

    • Thank you, Lisa. Yes, we’re excited to see where this next adventure will take us, too. He’s such a smart, confident little guy – I’ve never had a dog like this before! It will be fun to see where he takes us.

  • He’s just too adorable ! I still get teary seeing Ty and Buster. For me, it’s like they are still physically in the RV with you. But that little bundle, already at ease it seems, and the way he was brought to you proves the 2 boys are still there with you.

    • I agree, Julie – I think the boys gave him a few pointers and then sent him along to us. It will be fun to see where this road leads.

  • He is adorable and a perfect addition to your family. The boys are smiling because they know you three will be perfect together.

    • Thank you, Fran. Even though this is not what we were imagining for ourselves, we’re already completely smitten with this little guy.

  • Congratulations on the new member of your working group, I loved your story of your first meeting. The best of luck on all your future endeavors!

  • Category: Travel News / Tagged with: GoPetFriendly.com, Puppy