When we launched GoPetFriendly sixteen years ago, our goal was to make it easy for people to travel with their pets. Perhaps you remember what it was like back then … when finding places to stay and things to do with your pets was HARD.

It wasn’t that the idea of taking your pets with you on vacation was a new concept. Some people had been doing it for years. But they were the exception. Most people believed that traveling with a pet was extravagant, or weird, or just too difficult.

Woman with gifts climbing down airplane stairs with dog

Pet Travel Gained Acceptance

Things certainly have changed! Perhaps creating GoPetFriendly helped sparked a shift in thinking. But, over the years, millions of pet lovers have visited the site to plan trips with their furry family members, and that absolutely delights me!

Eventually, as more people began traveling with their pets, businesses recognized the opportunity. Soon hotels, restaurants, and even entire cities began touting the fact that they were pet friendly. They added pet policies and pet friendly directories to their websites. They splashed it on billboards. And hung signs in their windows.

Leashed dogs welcome sign at pet friendly Miner Brewing Company in Hill City, SD

Walk around most cities these days and you’re likely to find as many businesses that are pet friendly as those that aren’t. Maybe even more! It’s exactly what we hoped for when we started the site.

And it means there’s not as much need for GoPetFriendly’s directory of pet friendly businesses.

Things Change … And So Do We

As the world began embracing pet travel, we changed, too. After twelve fantastic years in the motorhome, we’re happily settled in Bisbee, Arizona. (It’s very pet friendly, if anyone is looking for a fun vacation destination!)

Brindle dog in a green harness in Bisbee, Arizona where scorpions are common

With all the time I’d spent driving the RV suddenly freed up, I went back to school. Two months ago, I completed a certificate program in AutoCAD (the software designers, drafters, and architects use to draw building plans). I also picked up several courses in residential construction while I was there. It was a blast!

Woman in a hardhat with new tools used for construction
Best first day of school EVER!
Cochise College Residential Construction Program

It wasn’t clear where all of these courses would take me at the time. It was just fun to learn more about things that had always fascinated me. And while I was focusing on homework and exams, the online world where GoPetFriendly exists was changing dramatically.


Technology Makes A Leap

You’d have to be living under a rock to have missed the recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Admittedly, I have concerns about how it will impact humanity. On the other hand, I also remember seeing a self-checkout at the grocery store for the first time. When I turned and swore to Rod that I’d never use one, he replied, “We might be a little young to stop adopting new technology.” Of course, he was right. Though I still use the self-checkout sparingly.

But the fact that AI is already changing how people plan trips is undeniable. The number of human beings landing on GoPetFriendly has dropped significantly during the past year. Why spend your time hunting for options when typing a simple request will get the answer?

ChatGPT response to request for pet friendly hotel in Tucson

Seriously, how convenient is that?! Of course, you still have to verify that the information provided is correct. But you’d have to confirm the pet policies found on GoPetFriendly, too!

So — as they say — all good things come to an end.

It’s clear that there’s now an even easier way to plan trips with pets. So we’re shutting down the directory of pet friendly places on GoPetFriendly at the end of the month. It served its purpose, and it will free up time for something new!

What about the blog?

We’re keeping the blog in place for now. Partially because it’s home to the millions of memories we made with Ty and Buster. But also because it’s not something AI can do better. Our paws-on-the-ground research, though a bit dated, still has value. Hopefully it will continue to inspire more people to travel with their pets. And, who knows? Maybe I’ll post occasionally, if I find something especially interesting.

Independence Pass on Continental Divide

What’s Next?

Several years ago, Rod and I bought a 3-acre lot on a mountaintop in southern Colorado. When we found a fantastic house for sale in Bisbee and decided not to build a home here, the dream of building on that lot started taking shape.

Suddenly, everything I was learning in my classes became useful! And months of research went into finding the best way to build on a slope, in a remote location, where summer only lasts for a few months … and winter can be brutal.

Dog in an orange harness standing on a stump with a mountain meadow and two peaks in the distance

We’re planning to break ground in May — depending on the weather, of course. The panelized house will be delivered in June, and a crew will complete the exterior of the home. Then we’ll take over, doing the parts we can, and hiring sub-contractors to do what we can’t.

Rendering of a pre-fab home with lots of windows to be built in Colorado
My Sketch Up drawing of what the house will look like.

Join Us!

I know many of you reading this post have been with us for years. The fact that you’re still here amazes me. I’m truly touched by the friendships we’ve made. And I hope you’ll join us on this next adventure!

I’ve launched a YouTube channel to share our progress. The first video went up yesterday, explaining why we chose a prefab home. And I’ll be posting a new video every week. And at the very end of each one, I’m including a little “treat” especially for my GoPetFriendly peeps.

Warning: The video is not good! But you long-timers will remember that the first blog posts I wrote weren’t good either. Everything improves with practice.

(Visited 4,816 times, 338 visits today)
    • Thank you, Doreen! Meeting fantastic folks like you has been one of the best parts of GoPetFriendly!

  • I have been following you and Rod for a long time when you had Ty and Buster. Then , you found Myles and still following in all your adventures! ❤️ It Is very understandable you wanna find your passion in doing something else while all this AI is taking over the world! . It was a joyful journey and I really appreciate you letting us know about this hard but necessary transition! Wishing you the best! ❤️ Thanks for being our most effective and informative tool for so many years! ! Many blessings for all of you!!

    • Thank you so very much, Awilda. It truly was a joyful journey, and I believe the next one will be as well. Sending all my best wishes to you. <3

  • Wow! This is big news! It has taken me several days to wrap my head around this. I have to admit, my initial thoughts were very selfish: Will I never get to see pictures of cute Myles again?! Here I am finally retired and now I won’t have all of Amy’s great tips and insights on where to go with my boys (my hubby and our 2 Goldens). If only I had taken the time to drive down to Bisbee and introduce myself…… Finally, my thoughts turned to gratitude for finding your posts so many years ago (I don’t even remember how long I have been following you!). Your tip on the Deerfield Lodge at Heavenly in Lake Tahoe became one of our favorite spots with our “kids”, CJ & Simon. Through to recently, all the info you posted about Mount Rushmore and the surrounding area helped us on our latest trip checking off a bucket list item. We, too, recently (a year ago January) made a bog move going from spending our entire lives in the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix metro area) to moving up to the relatively small town of Show Low, in Arizona’s White Mountains. Let me close by saying that I hope your move will make you and Rod and Myles as happy as our move has made us. Thank you for all you have shared over the years!

    • Congratulations to you, Cathy! We stayed in Show Low a few years ago and really enjoyed the area.
      Have no fear … the blog is staying put. So, all of our travel tips, product reviews, and destination guides will be there for you to enjoy. They might be a little dated. But honestly, how much is the Grand Canyon going to change in our lifetime?! =D
      I really appreciate your note, and wish you a lovely retirement and many years of happy travels with your pups. If you ever get over to Bisbee, let me know. It would be fun to meet up for coffee.

      • Amy,

        I would love that! How long will you guys be in Bisbee before your big move? One of the benefits of being retired is that I have a lot more flexibility with my time now.

        • Hi Cathy! We’ll be leaving Bisbee at the end of May to spend the summer in Colorado completing the house. We’re planning to be back in Bisbee around the the middle of October to settle back in for the winter and spring. Between now and when we leave, we do have a couple of trip plans. So let me know if it works out for you to come over. My email is [email protected]

  • Michael and I are so excited and happy for you & Rod. I can’t wait to see what happens next! We’ll be watching and cheering from the sidelines! Getting to hang out with you guys for an evening on your trip to OK was a rare treat for us and one of our fondest memories. Hugs from your friends, the Rennels Pack (Bonnie, Michael, Sunday & Cache, R.I.P. Abby)

    • Thank you, Bonnie! Rod and I very much enjoyed meeting up with you and Michael and the pups as well. I’m sorry to see that Abby has passed. I hope that the wonderful memories you made together help to heal your hearts. My best wishes that all is going well in Texas. Waggin’ trails!

    • That’s fantastic, Ashely! Congratulations! I hope your move goes smoothly, and that Colorado is even more fun than you’re imagining!

  • I found you almost 15 years ago when my husband and I adopted our first dog. We loved following your adventures with Ty and Buster and used many of your recommendations! Our little Doodle passed a few years ago but now we have Ginger, our spunky mini schnauzer, who loves to travel! Thank you for all the hard work you put into making this blog and community a blessing to us!

    • Thanks so much for your note, Nichole. This is definitely a bitter-sweet transition. We had so much fun while we were traveling, blogging, and connecting with other pet lovers. And we’re hoping the next adventure brings us just as much joy. Happy travels with Ginger! There’s nothing more precious than the memories we make with our pets.

  • Wow, this is sad, but we get it. We’ve been blogging for fourteen years and our focus has changed over time. We toy with the idea of stopping too. The past few years we have posted a lot about traveling with dogs but nothing like what you have done. We have used your blog as a resource here and there. We met at BlogPaws, I don’t remember which one(s). We wish you all the best in your new chapter!

    • Yes, I remember! Though, I don’t know which one either. Maybe Atlanta?
      Thanks for your note. Running this site has been such a fun and interesting experience. But after so many years, our life has changed. Myles doesn’t really like traveling. Rod and I are loving having a home again after being on-the-go for twelve years. And it’s time to learn something new. I’m looking forward to the challenge. I wish you all the best with your adventures, too.

  • I love having my 2 sheltie with me when traveling. I gained so much information from your blog to aid in my travels!! I can’t say how many times I referenced your information. I will definitely miss the guidance. Thank you for all those years and I wish you the best.

    • Thank you, Judy. Running GoPetFriendly was an absolute blast, and I’m so grateful to know that we helped other pet lovers make memories with their furry travel buddies. I appreciate your note and wish you safe travels and waggin’ trails.

  • Oh my goodness! So happy for you and Rod! We are Arizonians who have happily followed you through your journeys. God bless and safe travels.

  • Congratulations! We are still working to hit every spot in your book. Only hit 30 out of 49. It’s a little harder now we aren’t in the RV full time though! It has been fun when we have tried to recreate Ty and Buster’s photos with some of our dogs that have since passed. Now we are making new memories with our current pups! Good luck with building the new home! -Roxy, Molly, Pepper, Beacon, Vivian, Shawn and Tricia

    • Thank you all! And making it to 30 of 49 places is quite an accomplishment! Wishing you happy and safe travels.

    • Thanks so much, Audrey! The support we’ve received from this community over the years has been such a blessing. I’m excited to see where it takes us next!

    • Thanks so much, Sue! My motto is “Life is an adventure or nothing at all.” The thought of learning all the new things in front of me is so exciting. We’re fastening our seatbelts and seeing what happens next.

    • Thank you, Judy! The one thing I detest more than anything else is being bored. Fortunately, there no chance of that happening! =D

  • I have lived vicariously through you for a number of years and will continue to. I look forward to your next adventure and hope you love Colorado. My travel buddy crossed the rainbow bridge last week and I can’t imagine traveling without him, but I hope to find another travel buddy in time.

    • Ann, I’m so very sorry. They take a piece of us with them when they go, and my heart breaks for you being so close to that loss. When the time is right, your next travel buddy will be one of the lucky ones. Sending my love to you!

  • Congrats to you all!!! We can always count on you both, and your critters, to keep us informed, educated and looking forward to new things to do and try. We are excited to see what the next chapter brings! Who knows what that will inspire in all of us this time!! We can’t wait to tune in! Bruce and Chris

    • Thanks so much, Bruce and Chris! Perhaps next we’ll all be building pet friendly prefab homes! =D

  • Amy and Rod! A person from the past. GPF is and always will be a favorite here. Looking forward to the channel and watching the build. What a great adventure! Matt (if you don’t remember from Carrie’s TalesAndTails).

    • Oh my goodness! Of course I remember you, Matt! How wonderful to hear from you. I appreciate the long-time loyalty, and hope you’re doing well. Sending a big hug and looking forward to connecting again on YouTube.

  • Wishing you and your little family all the best. Thanks for all of your posts over the years. Like you we have sold our RV and our sweet Bailey crossed the rainbow bridge one year ago. We are still trying to decide if we can go through that kind of loss again.

    • Oh Donna, I’m so sorry to hear about Bailey’s passing. There are no words for that heartbreak. I do hope that the wonderful memories you made together bring you peace. And, if you decide at some point to open your heart to another dog … he or she will be one of the lucky ones! Thanks for the note.

  • Thank you Amy and Rod for sharing experiences, adventure, love, loss and LIFE! Congratulations on your new spot in Bisbee. What a cool spot. XO Erin T

    • Thank you, Erin! Yes, we’re absolutely loving Bisbee. If you ever get down this way, we should get together for coffee and catch up!

  • Go Pet Friendly was such a valuable resource when we drove across country and back with our dog. We really appreciated your info and tips. Good luck on your next adventure!!!

  • Thanks for helping us get started travelling with our whole furamily! It was you guys that inspired us to go on our 1st big trip from WI to OH, NY & PA! We have been on MANY adventures since & have many more in the works. Best wishes to you all!!!

    • Woohoo!! Thanks for the note, Casey. It’s been so rewarding to know that we’re helping people create wonderful memories with their pets. And seeing how things have changed over time has been fantastic. There is nothing else I would have enjoyed more.

  • Thank you, Amy! We will look forward to your weekly videos on YouTube. We are interested in doing something similar, though not so remotely. All the best to you, Rod and Myles.

    • Thanks so much, Diane! I’m really excited and am looking forward to learning so many new things!

  • Congrats on your new chapter! We love YouTube and will be checking out your new space.hopefully you’ll keep including your 4 paw family in some of your uploads

    • Thanks, Bonnie! And we absolutely will be including puppy paws on the channel. (Myles doesn’t know it yet, but we have a dog harness for the GoPro, so he’s going to be taking video, too.) =D

  • Wow, Amy, Rod and Myles! Sounds great! So you smarties will have a cool spot for summers up there on the mountain top. I have lucked into a summer spot also: in Eugene. Then we can appreciate our warm AZ winters. Looking forward to your YouTube house process. My Callie and I had great car camping adventures in the Forester last summer, will try to send you a photo of her where we camped on the Pacific Coast Trail in CA. All best from former Bisbonian

    • Berta! It’s so nice to hear from you! How wonderful that you’re spending summers in Eugene – it’s a lovely place. Especially in the summer. And I love hearing that you and Callie have been car camping. There are so many great places to visit, and every one is even sweeter with your pet. Safe travels to you two!